The Divine Guidance
Gods presence does not live in
material things but it dwells in the
relationship we carry with our lord
Jesus. God does not look only in the
strengths we have but he picks our
weakness and works through it.
When we look in to the life of Elijah
we learn that Elijah was a man of
faith but had all the weakness of
normal man in today’s world but
god almighty was Full of mercy and
blessed Elijah with all the heavenly
blessings. God’s promises in our
life will happen regardless of what
kind of nature we carry . If we are
willing to change and if we are
willing to come out of our sin and
accept God and accept his will then
he is worthy of blessing us with all
the heavenly blessings and all the
spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit in
our life. In James 5:17 it shows
Elijah’s faith that Elijah was a
human being as we are. He prayed
earnestly that it would not rain and
it did not rain for three and half years.
When we pray we have to seek
the will of God we have to hear what
God expects from us we have to
hear what God wants to tell us. Our
God is a mighty provider through
thick and through thin no matter
how we behave, if we are willing to
change and if you’re willing to
except God and the Holy Spirit in
us then our God is mighty to
provide us in any situations no
matter if there is rain no matter what
the condition around you is because
when God has promised something
he is willing to do that change in our
life. Be ready to except God.
My God is a mighty God , he is
a strong God and my God is a big
God When God is on my side who
can be against me. No devil will
come near me for I am anointed by
the spirit of the Holy Spirit.
Finally to conclude let’s remind
ourselves of the grace of god . If you
can catch the invisible by faith you
can achieve the Impossible by
grace!! When you have a vision of
god it will change the way you exist.
Vision is an expression of faith. It’s
the assurance of god’s purpose in
life. Our vision should be connected
to god. Wait means preparing
because it will come. God is
working in each of our life. Always
remember that you are a work in
progress!! Our god is a promise
keeping god and if god promises is
he will fulfill it. There is no second
thought over the same.